1.2: How does magick work?

waterhouse_the_shrineIn this section on how magick works, we will briefly look at how I think magick works in theory and how to work it for yourself. There are some standard “laws” many witches and Wiccans believe apply to how to work with the energies of magick and the universe (this included elemental energies, spirits, gods, etc..).  Not everyone believes these to be laws, as in the law of gravity, or laws as in human law, but, many people believe they are more like working theories.  To me they seem to be like observations on how things tend to work.  Does that mean we know everything about the mechanics of it or why a certain working keeps failing?  No, it doesn’t.  And for every two people, there are at least three opinions.  Magick is one of those mysteries of life, in my opinion.  We may never understand all of the hows and whys.  We may not physically be able to perceive it, but once you know it for yourself, there is no denying it’s existence and influence in our lives.  I am a person who is alright with keeping somethings a mystery, I do not necessarily seek to understand it all….at least anymore. ;->



Principles of vibration/energy:  Everything is comprised of energy.  Even matter has energy, but the energy is matter is moving so slowly it’s is as if they energy is “frozen”.  Our bodies run all on sorts of energy, electrical impulses, organ generated bio-electricity, food break down and conversion, and of course, our subtle energy system ( your chakras, meridians, aura, etc…).  But even a chair has energy in it.  Granted it’s hard to effect the energy of a chair without using physical means, like breaking it or paining it, because the bond between the molecules and the program of the energy has a strong inherent bond.  But there are other forms of energy that we are able to manipulate and change, like emotions, our physical actions, and even how other perceive us.

Principles of Holography:  What we think we see, isn’t necessarily all we understand about something. Our brains are holographic processors, our eyes take in light, in other words energy, and transmit that the impulses into the brain for interpretation.  From the light we perceive our brain able to extrapolate all sort of information, because energy contains packets of data in it about what program it holds (from the example about, the program of a specific chair).  But the information contained in energy is not one dimensional or even three dimensional, it is holographic.  Energy contains, all information about where it came from and what it is made from, a holographic model of it’s program, within it’s packets of data.  So, not only are perceiving a chair, we are perceiving everything there is not know about that chair.  The more we expose ourselves to different types of information, such as psychic impressions, telemetry, the more we will be able to learn about the world around because we are teaching our brains how to process new and different types of information.

The law of attraction: We attract like things to ourselves.  Whether we want to or not, our positive attitudes or negative attiude affect what comes into our lives and the speed at which they come into our lives.  It comes down to energy and magnetism, like simply attracts like.  But just as the polarity of a magnet can be changed, so can our polarity between negative and positive. For general purposes here, positive things are that which feeds us, makes us glow, encourages us to love and shine, they keep us moving and growing.  Negative things keep us in ruts, keep us afraid, keep us angry, or rejecting what we know we need to do.  But passive energies, like pity, grief, and loneliness also keep us a negative pattern, for alone, they don’t allow to grow.   In order to attract positive things, we much act from a positive perspective.  For instance, “why won’t anyone love me” is a statement based on grief, and possibly driven out of loneliness.  But, “I want to learn to love again” puts us on a road open for growth.  This is a lesson vitally important in spellwork, because we want to keep things as positive as possible, so no unnecessary harm comes to us or others.

The law of limitation: In order to move forward we much make choices. It’s basic cause and effect.  In order to proceed down a particular path, we much chose to do that instead of doing something else.  While the universe is infinite, each and every moment we have is not infinite in time and resources (like personal energy levels).  I think this is why

The law of correspondence: Hermetics says, “as above, so below”. Meaning as in Heaven, it is reflected in this here and now, and vice versa. Some take this very literally, if there is a tree here on earth, then there is a tree somewhere beyond the veil that corresponds to it. I tent to think a little less literally, each and everything has it’s own projection or shadow on the entirety of creation. My belief about this is probably influenced by some of my studies into the work of the medicine, what Westerns call “shamanism’. One of the specific duties reflected in traditional Siberian shamanism is the act of calling back pieces of a fractured and broken soul from beyond the veil, to the person in need of healing. It me it would seem that we might have various reflections into the different domains or worlds beyond the veil.

This law his a much more practical application in the world of magick though. Because everything is some sort of reflection of the divine and reflected the worlds beyond the veil, the aspects it takes in those places are also reflected in this world. So if somewhere beyond the veil, the herb Rosemary, takes on the significance of protection, somewhere it is has been blessed with those attributes, then here on Earth it will also have those attributes. All those part of us and plants and stone and animals that connect to somewhere else, aggregate to form an essential nature of us and particular thing, that has all the attributes form various places in this world or another.

Law of polarity: Every human is a balance of opposites. Unfortunately, we live in a highly polarized world, black vs. white, good vs. bad. But wisdom tells us the things we fight hardest against, as usually those things which we need to look for further growth. Sometimes we get stuck on one end of our polarized belief about who and what we are, when in reality we are fluid beings, adaptable, and able ti change. We need to accept all forms of who we are, and appreciate the lessons and perspectives that come from different aspects of ourselves. One of the more important lessons for the magick path is that the logical conscious mind and abstract subconscious mind should work in tandem and in balance, so that we can imagine new possibilities for ourselves AND now how to bring those possibilities into reality.

Neutralizing harm and the Wiccan Rede: Not all wiccans, witches, and pagans believe that we are obligated neutralize harm. And, as real life like to point out, sometimes we need to suffer through something, in order to learn how to heal our lives. The debate around the rede comes down the this section: These Eight words the Rede fulfill: “An Ye Harm None, Do What Ye Will” . While these are generally good words to live by, karmically speaking, is this really a universal law? I chose not answer this for others. But I do think we have the right to defend ourselves. There are ways one can defend themselves that are non-violent, and non-destructive, but sometimes we need to stand our ground no matter what. I do believe it comes down to intent and circumstance. Not all circumstances are equal, nor all actions. But we must always be willing to live through our choices and accept responsibility for our actions. That being said, I feel I know for certain for myself, that tit for tat, does not make things right or good again. And turning the other cheek, at times, is not really a solution.

Baring all this “theory” in mind, how would it help us cast a spell?

Whether well thought out or not, generally speaking whenever we chose to make a decision to bring a result into being, we are using the process of magick. But the first step in consciously using magick is form an intention. While considering how you would like to form your intention you want to keep in mind the law of attraction and the idea behind the Wiccan rede. You want have your intention formed as positively as possible. And generally speaking, you want to avoid damage to yourself and others. Here is a link to an interesting discussion about spell work and intent: http://www.tarotforum.net/library/5/2002-12/intentions-of-spell-casting-20021230.shtml
Based on our intent, we can chose to work with corresponding props, like herbs, stones, music, and the like. This is based on the law of correspondence. Roses are associated with love, so roses can add a feeling and energy of love to a love spell. We can use as many or as little corresponding props as needed, as this does extend to tools. If you are working on say a love spell, love has to do with fire and emotions, so you might want to use your athame,candles, chalices,and cauldrons more than other tools and props. Your choices can be made from tables and books, but sometimes it is simplest go out with things on hand that your intuition call you to use. Just have some sort of plan how what you are going to do and how you are going to do it before you begin your spell, so you don’t have to stop and find your place. Other things to think about aligning to your intention are moon phase, planetary house, colors, incense, candles, herbs, and stones.
Once you begin your spell, you begin using the law of vibration or energy. By some technique, you would raise your energy, increase your bodily energy. Most times we are feeding our intention through our emotions. It is much harder to do a spell you do not feel anything about, emotions enliven us and our magick, they make our energy flow freely and they can charge, flavor, and tint our energy to their specific feeling. You can raise your energy, much like you would raise your energy on a girls night out, a little dancing, a little good music, can pick your energies right up, and matching your music and dance to the intention will get you in the proper mood that you need to put out into the universe. You can do other things that dance, that was an example. Other common ways of raising energy is by chanting, singing, or even visualization of you achieving your result.
Once you are all charged up and you have your energy all attuned to your need and intention, it’s time to release it out into the universe. It’s a good thing to decide what action you want to take to release the energy, because building up or raising your energies can be seductively nice, that you might need a definitive point at which you stop and say good bye. It can be a clap of your hands, a shouted, a particular word, or even pose or action. Like releasing a balloon for a special occasion you don’t want that energy to come back, you want it to soar into the heaven and/or earth (depending on your intent of course), and you don’t want to call that energy back to you before it’s had a chance to work. The feeling of releasing energy out into the world, for me, is a kin to saying farewell to a loved one going on a spectacular trip. You don’t want them to feel guilty or to miss you while they have the chance to go out there do something wonderful. You want them to succeed, so you trust that they will be taken care of and return you when it’s time and in some way for the better changed.

Working with magick should be intensely personal. It should be fueled by our passion and our life. It is an organic process, and as we find it and meet it, I know I have found that we realize just how intrinsic it in our lives. After sometime, you might even be able to look back at your “pre-magick” self and see how you were working it in your own way, and that you might have had the connection all along.

Assignment: Who do you believe in?

What God, Goddess, other beings (like fairies, dragons, angels, etc..), pantheons, archetypes, etc… do you feel a connection or deep interest in? Record these things in different sections or pages in your notebook or journal. Draw, write, paint, or even scrapbook about what makes you feel so curious or connected to each of these things. This will help you build and get in touch with those energies. Have you ever had any significant personal experiences or even conversations revolving around any of these connections? Record and explore those experiences. These connections are in your for a reason, they your gateway to the world of the Divine and the magick within yourself. As you are exploring these connections, try leave the intent in your heart and/or mind, that you would like to further your relationship with these energies and entities (whether they are beings or energies, like air or fire). Through taking this course you might be beginning on your path or renewing certain aspects of your path, so at this point it is okay and is encouraged to ask for a sign from each of these connections if they are willing to help you in this process.


Additionally, these types of connections can change over time and as we grow. So it is okay to explore these connections from the past, even if we aren’t quite as attracted to them in the present. Exploring past connections can even help us see how the magick was always in our lives and that perhaps we were never alone, but always, from a distance, from a whisper on the wind, being guided and shown our path.




Principles of vibration/energy:  Everything is comprised of energy.  Even matter has energy, but the energy is matter is moving so slowly it’s is as if they energy is “frozen”.  Our bodies run all on sorts of energy, electrical impulses, organ generated bio-electricity, food break down and conversion, and of course, our subtle energy system ( your chakras, meridians, aura, etc…).  But even a chair has energy in it.  Granted it’s hard to effect the energy of a chair without using physical means, like breaking it or paining it, because the bond between the molecules and the program of the energy has a strong inherent bond.  But there are other forms of energy that we are able to manipulate and change, like emotions, our physical actions, and even how other perceive us.

Principles of Holography:  What we think we see, isn’t necessarily all we understand about something. Our brains are holographic processors, our eyes take in light, in other words energy, and transmit that the impulses into the brain for interpretation.  From the light we perceive our brain able to extrapolate all sort of information, because energy contains packets of data in it about what program it holds (from the example about, the program of a specific chair).  But the information contained in energy is not one dimensional or even three dimensional, it is holographic.  Energy contains, all information about where it came from and what it is made from, a holographic model of it’s program, within it’s packets of data.  So, not only are perceiving a chair, we are perceiving everything there is not know about that chair.  The more we expose ourselves to different types of information, such as psychic impressions, telemetry, the more we will be able to learn about the world around because we are teaching our brains how to process new and different types of information.

The law of attraction: We attract like things to ourselves.  Whether we want to or not, our positive attitudes or negative attiude affect what comes into our lives and the speed at which they come into our lives.  It comes down to energy and magnetism, like simply attracts like.  But just as the polarity of a magnet can be changed, so can our polarity between negative and positive. For general purposes here, positive things are that which feeds us, makes us glow, encourages us to love and shine, they keep us moving and growing.  Negative things keep us in ruts, keep us afraid, keep us angry, or rejecting what we know we need to do.  But passive energies, like pity, grief, and loneliness also keep us a negative pattern, for alone, they don’t allow to grow.   In order to attract positive things, we much act from a positive perspective.  For instance, “why won’t anyone love me” is a statement based on grief, and possibly driven out of loneliness.  But, “I want to learn to love again” puts us on a road open for growth.  This is a lesson vitally important in spellwork, because we want to keep things as positive as possible, so no unnecessary harm comes to us or others.

The law of limitation: In order to move forward we much make choices. It’s basic cause and effect.  In order to proceed down a particular path, we much chose to do that instead of doing something else.  While the universe is infinite, each and every moment we have is not infinite in time and resources (like personal energy levels).  I think this is why

The law of correspondence: Hermetics says, “as above, so below”. Meaning as in Heaven, it is reflected in this here and now, and vice versa. Some take this very literally, if there is a tree here on earth, then there is a tree somewhere beyond the veil that corresponds to it. I tent to think a little less literally, each and everything has it’s own projection or shadow on the entirety of creation. My belief about this is probably influenced by some of my studies into the work of the medicine, what Westerns call “shamanism’. One of the specific duties reflected in traditional Siberian shamanism is the act of calling back pieces of a fractured and broken soul from beyond the veil, to the person in need of healing. It me it would seem that we might have various reflections into the different domains or worlds beyond the veil.

This law his a much more practical application in the world of magick though. Because everything is some sort of reflection of the divine and reflected the worlds beyond the veil, the aspects it takes in those places are also reflected in this world. So if somewhere beyond the veil, the herb Rosemary, takes on the significance of protection, somewhere it is has been blessed with those attributes, then here on Earth it will also have those attributes. All those part of us and plants and stone and animals that connect to somewhere else, aggregate to form an essential nature of us and particular thing, that has all the attributes form various places in this world or another.

Law of polarity: Every human is a balance of opposites. Unfortunately, we live in a highly polarized world, black vs. white, good vs. bad. But wisdom tells us the things we fight hardest against, as usually those things which we need to look for further growth. Sometimes we get stuck on one end of our polarized belief about who and what we are, when in reality we are fluid beings, adaptable, and able ti change. We need to accept all forms of who we are, and appreciate the lessons and perspectives that come from different aspects of ourselves. One of the more important lessons for the magick path is that the logical conscious mind and abstract subconscious mind should work in tandem and in balance, so that we can imagine new possibilities for ourselves AND now how to bring those possibilities into reality.

Neutralizing harm and the Wiccan Rede: Not all wiccans, witches, and pagans believe that we are obligated neutralize harm. And, as real life like to point out, sometimes we need to suffer through something, in order to learn how to heal our lives. The debate around the rede comes down the this section: These Eight words the Rede fulfill: “An Ye Harm None, Do What Ye Will” . While these are generally good words to live by, karmically speaking, is this really a universal law? I chose not answer this for others. But I do think we have the right to defend ourselves. There are ways one can defend themselves that are non-violent, and non-destructive, but sometimes we need to stand our ground no matter what. I do believe it comes down to intent and circumstance. Not all circumstances are equal, nor all actions. But we must always be willing to live through our choices and accept responsibility for our actions. That being said, I feel I know for certain for myself, that tit for tat, does not make things right or good again. And turning the other cheek, at times, is not really a solution.

Baring all this “theory” in mind, how would it help us cast a spell?

Whether well thought out or not, generally speaking whenever we chose to make a decision to bring a result into being, we are using the process of magick. But the first step in consciously using magick is form an intention. While considering how you would like to form your intention you want to keep in mind the law of attraction and the idea behind the Wiccan rede. You want have your intention formed as positively as possible. And generally speaking, you want to avoid damage to yourself and others. Here is a link to an interesting discussion about spell work and intent: http://www.tarotforum.net/library/5/2002-12/intentions-of-spell-casting-20021230.shtml
Based on our intent, we can chose to work with corresponding props, like herbs, stones, music, and the like. This is based on the law of correspondence. Roses are associated with love, so roses can add a feeling and energy of love to a love spell. We can use as many or as little corresponding props as needed, as this does extend to tools. If you are working on say a love spell, love has to do with fire and emotions, so you might want to use your athame,candles, chalices,and cauldrons more than other tools and props. Your choices can be made from tables and books, but sometimes it is simplest go out with things on hand that your intuition call you to use. Just have some sort of plan how what you are going to do and how you are going to do it before you begin your spell, so you don’t have to stop and find your place. Other things to think about aligning to your intention are moon phase, planetary house, colors, incense, candles, herbs, and stones.
Once you begin your spell, you begin using the law of vibration or energy. By some technique, you would raise your energy, increase your bodily energy. Most times we are feeding our intention through our emotions. It is much harder to do a spell you do not feel anything about, emotions enliven us and our magick, they make our energy flow freely and they can charge, flavor, and tint our energy to their specific feeling. You can raise your energy, much like you would raise your energy on a girls night out, a little dancing, a little good music, can pick your energies right up, and matching your music and dance to the intention will get you in the proper mood that you need to put out into the universe. You can do other things that dance, that was an example. Other common ways of raising energy is by chanting, singing, or even visualization of you achieving your result.
Once you are all charged up and you have your energy all attuned to your need and intention, it’s time to release it out into the universe. It’s a good thing to decide what action you want to take to release the energy, because building up or raising your energies can be seductively nice, that you might need a definitive point at which you stop and say good bye. It can be a clap of your hands, a shouted, a particular word, or even pose or action. Like releasing a balloon for a special occasion you don’t want that energy to come back, you want it to soar into the heaven and/or earth (depending on your intent of course), and you don’t want to call that energy back to you before it’s had a chance to work. The feeling of releasing energy out into the world, for me, is a kin to saying farewell to a loved one going on a spectacular trip. You don’t want them to feel guilty or to miss you while they have the chance to go out there do something wonderful. You want them to succeed, so you trust that they will be taken care of and return you when it’s time and in some way for the better changed.

Working with magick should be intensely personal. It should be fueled by our passion and our life. It is an organic process, and as we find it and meet it, I know I have found that we realize just how intrinsic it in our lives. After sometime, you might even be able to look back at your “pre-magick” self and see how you were working it in your own way, and that you might have had the connection all along.

Assignment: Who do you believe in?

What God, Goddess, other beings (like fairies, dragons, angels, etc..), pantheons, archetypes, etc… do you feel a connection or deep interest in? Record these things in different sections or pages in your notebook or journal. Draw, write, paint, or even scrapbook about what makes you feel so curious or connected to each of these things. This will help you build and get in touch with those energies. Have you ever had any significant personal experiences or even conversations revolving around any of these connections? Record and explore those experiences. These connections are in your for a reason, they your gateway to the world of the Divine and the magick within yourself. As you are exploring these connections, try leave the intent in your heart and/or mind, that you would like to further your relationship with these energies and entities (whether they are beings or energies, like air or fire). Through taking this course you might be beginning on your path or renewing certain aspects of your path, so at this point it is okay and is encouraged to ask for a sign from each of these connections if they are willing to help you in this process.


Additionally, these types of connections can change over time and as we grow. So it is okay to explore these connections from the past, even if we aren’t quite as attracted to them in the present. Exploring past connections can even help us see how the magick was always in our lives and that perhaps we were never alone, but always, from a distance, from a whisper on the wind, being guided and shown our path.



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