New Moon January 2021

Welcome to 2021 Witches!

If you’ve been following any astrology, you know while the year is new, it isn’t going to be the quick fix back to status quo you might have been secretly hoping for. But this upcoming new moon is an energy re-set period, which will help you begin to get into the idea that things are changing, even if slowly, and that you have the power to create the change you need to create. 


But first there is some work to do and it starts with this New Moon which is conjunct the shadow energies of Pluto. I’ll talk a little more about the energy of this week and the coming weeks in my 1st New Moon fair live event on Facebook, so rsvp to get the notices for that!

Click the pic to rsvp for the event this week!

Reading for 2021

After reading a post in Patheos about the author’s 2021 read for his circle of community, I thought pulling some card of mine own for my circle of community would help get a clearer picture. I used my Crow tarot deck, which I just received from friends, in Celtic cross spread. That spread isn’t always my favorite, but it does good with providing the movement and story behind the situation. 

A quick summary of the reading is as follows:

Theme of 2021: 2 Cups: The feeling I got from this card was healing. Not just physical healing, as in covid will become past tense, but the alchemy of union kind of healing. Where two things, partners, helpmates, become something greater than two individuals. 

What was passing was the Death card. In this instance, it felt more symbolic than literal. While we are all certainly experiencing a lot of death, I also felt this was an end to the heavy rebirth we’ve been going through. 

What’s coming that will change the outcome is an Emperor. Or at least the thing order and structure a good and benevolent emperor will bring. For me this didn’t feel like just one person, like say Biden or Harris, but rather our leadership is going to shift. Looking at that from an astrological perspective, there is agreement with this. There could be more secrets uncovered in February and March on that level of life which will force us in another direction or have us making different choices. 

With the World in the long-term situation position, the star in the hopes and fears, and justice in the others-outward position, these shifts signal something much larger than just whether you have money in your pocket this week. Which is in line with the Aquarius shift our planets are taking. But you will find that personal justice is also something on your mind, as you and the leaders that are coming to enlightenment begin making different choices based on a larger vision. 

There is hope for our personal situations though, and I’ll speak more about that aspect my research and readings in the live fair on January 14th. The big recurring influence I feel is important in the coming months is our new found abilities to look truth in the eye and not look away out of fear. 

We have been through a rough rebirth. We are just starting to come around again to begin to see where things are and what work has to be done now. These next few months are very fast moving, so we have time to feel into what we see happening and measure it against what we want to see happen, and adjust accordingly. 

Don’t look away now this New Moon in January 2021.

Be patient. Open yourself up. See what’s possible and slowly, steadily begin living that life.

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