Spring Fest 2021

Missing Fairs and Festivals?

Dracowolf has your back!

We are hosting a Spring Fest on March 19th-21st online in our year-round fair group. 

Our fair group, The Ultimate Witchy Handmade Virtual Fair, is a new Facebook group set up to offer you witchy fun and wares through the Wheel of the Year!

As part of the community festivities, we will be planning virtual festivals around the major Pagan holidays! We are kicking off this explosion of fun with our Spring Fest! This is a free 3-day event with live selling, games, talks, and more!

Click to join Spring Fest!


We will be accepting vendors and presenters until March 15th. There is currently no cost to be a vendor at Spring Fest, unless we are inundated with vendor responses.


All vendors are expected to do some kind of live selling during the event and can post all weekend long with their products, sales, and specials. Only approved vendors may post during this weekend.


Our group already has a lot of witchy jewelry and decor vendors, you can apply, but we need to be selective for this genre.  If you offer something specific, like witchy wreaths or custom besoms, please apply!

Vendors of herbs, teas, altar supplies, altar tools, and crystals are welcome to apply.

Authors and Witchy mentors or class creators are welcome to apply for 5 presenter slots. 

Witchy service providers, readers, healers, etc… are also welcome to apply. There will be no free readings in the group, as per the regular group rules. So have fun with your marketing, tell your story, tell us about your experiences, what makes you tick as a reader or healer. Use this time to make an impression on the audience with your energy and mission.


To Apply: 

Email me, Lindsay, at shop@dracowolf.com, with your business name, website or Facebook page, and an idea of what you you will be promoting or selling at Spring Fest. 

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